Hello my lovely readers,
Ah this has been such an amazing last couple weeks and I have amazing news to share. I will be graduating from the University of Maryland, College Park on Friday May 21st 2021. Honestly I need to sit down and write my graduation reflections, I just don't even know where to begin to talk about my time here at UMD and the ways I have been able to grow, learn, and leave a legacy here on this campus!
I've been sharing a lot of the good news on my instagram. Today I wanted to update my blog readers and share these news with you all as well.
University Medal Finalist
On May 3rd 2021, I found out some amazing news. I was selected as a finalist for the University Medal!

The university medalist and five finalists all earned a GPA of at least 3.96 while juggling internships, research opportunities, community service and student leadership positions.
The University Medal is the highest honor given to an undergraduate by UMD, awarded at each spring commencement to the graduate or graduates who best personify academic distinction, extraordinary character and extracurricular contributions to the university and the larger community. As a finalist I am being recognized by President Pines at the main commencement this Friday!!
On May 20th, the University shared the news of the Medalist and the five finalists. I was excited to share the news with everyone, but before I could do that my roommates told me that we were having an "Apartment Photoshoot" - so I got ready, fixed my makeup and got a new outfit on and we headed out to take pictures.
When we turned the corner, I saw this big group of people with signs and balloons. I turned to my friends and said "oh we're graduates too maybe they'll let us take a picture" as I pulled out my Kente stole and threw it on. That's when I saw it, the sign had my name on it!
As I approached everyone, the Dean of CMNS greeted me and told me that everyone was here to celebrate me and my achievements. He said that some of my family were here to celebrate me as well. That's when my Nanny came out from behind one of the signs! She had came all the way from Saint Martin - landing in Maryland at 3 in the morning to make it to this moment! I ran into her arms and couldn't stop crying!
Photos credits: UMD/Lisa Helfert
This was such a beautiful moment in more ways than I can put into words! I am so thankful to my college for putting this together, and for my family and friends who were in on the surprise and help to plan it. I can't thank everyone enough!
They also put together a video of the event, warning grab your tissues because it is a tear jerker!
The Ending of this College Journey

This is such a beautiful ending to four years of hard work. During tomorrow's commencement I will be sitting in the front row and recognized during the program, it is such an honor I can't even describe it! I am just thankful that my story and journey has helped and inspired others and that my successes don't end with me!
This is for everyone who has been apart of this journey with me! Thank you for the support along the way! I can't wait to reflect back on the past four years and share graduation photos with you all in my upcoming posts!
Spring 2021 Commencement

It's really happening! I am graduating!! Commencement will be live streamed May 21st 2021 at 4:00pm! Please join me for the celebration and watch here at https://commencement.umd.edu